Still thinking about emotions, have you ever wondered how your brain codes things? How does it know what is happening and how to respond?
When your born your brain, has just been switched on, it’s paying attention to what is going on around it and learns. It gets it’s information from what it perceives through your eyes, nose, ears, skin and mouth.
The infant brain doesn’t know very much, is it experientially blind and on a huge learning curve. Its busy learning from its surroundings, from sensory input. So much of this input is alien to baby and so it has to try to figure out what it is and what it means. They are busy absorbing and learning. The more experiences baby has the more accurate its predications on what is happening become.
Baby has to code the experiences, this coding helps it to predict what could happen in the future.
The next step is to identify what this information means, the meaning comes from past experiences. Your brain is always looking for what it knows, we search for what is familiar. If the information doesn’t match exactly what you know and resembles something else, that’s when your brain goes well that’s close enough and you have a match.
If the experience is new, it can take your brain a while to decide how to code that experience and what to do with it. Then that experience may go round and round in your mind as you try to “make sense of it”.
Over time you create a rather large library of experiences, and now your brain can begin to predict what will happen next. It guesses based on previous experiences, and you begin to expect certain results.
Athletes and sports people notice what is happening in the game and can anticipate the best way to win. Think of a chess player, he is looking at the board, and can see the moves open to him and also can predict how their opponent will respond; this is what your brain does.
Have you ever been driving and suddenly become aware of a child running on the pavement, you pay attention to the child, you may slow down or alter what you are doing as you prepare to stop in case the child runs in the road.
Sometimes your brain gets it wrong, at this time either it acknowledges the mistake and makes adjustments or sometimes “it” becomes stubborn and keep the wrong prediction.
Remember things are as we think they are not necessarily as they are …..
Years ago, I was walking home late at night. I had missed the last bus and could either walk along the road for an hour, or walk through the woods for around 20 minutes. I decided to walk through the woods. After a while, I could hear footsteps, and thought someone was behind me. I walked faster, the footsteps became faster; I ran, the footsteps became faster. I became so scared, I decided I had to hide. I forced myself into a thick bush, destroyed my clothes scratches everywhere but I didn’t care. I sat down and waited. The bushes moved, and a horse pushed its head through. My attacker was a horse from the local stables who had escaped.
Remember you feel what you brain believes