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Journey Through The Menopause

Tina Taylor

Download a hypnotic recording - Journey through the Menopause

Women's Heath

Over the past couple of months, there have been a lot of articles in the news regarding women's health specifically menopausal women and how they are not getting sufficient support from their doctors.

Natural Transition

This time in a woman's life is full of transitions in addition to the physical ones. Women may be caring for ageing parents or relatives, supporting their children as they move into adulthood, or taking on new responsibilities at work. This transition is a natural part of ageing that happens between ages 45 to 55 for most women. Premature menopause can be triggered before the age of 40, this may be caused either by surgery or by damage to the ovarian system, for example: by chemotherapy. When ovaries stop releasing eggs, estrogen levels and progesterone change. When this happens before you're 40, it's called premature ovarian failure. While the menopausal transition may commonly be referred to as "menopause," true menopause doesn't happen until one year after a woman's final menstrual period. For that reason, a woman who does not want to get pregnant should continue to use birth control for at least a full 12 months after her last period. Several women have conceived during this stage and find themselves entering motherhood whilst their other children have flown the nest.

Cause of Menopause

Women are born with a certain number of eggs, and as we age this supply decreases, by the time we reach our late 40s most women have used up the majority of their eggs. At this time ovulatory tissue is no longer produced and hormone production changes many women begin to notice changes, in their body shape and sleep patterns as well as their body temperature.

Health Issues Change

Women's health issues change as they get older and their hormones change, we get to a point when we begin to run out of eggs and the conception and pregnancy system begins to close down. This requires a change in hormones. The body gradually changes the production of reproductive hormones, estrogen and progesterone. During the process, the body begins to change and emotions can be affected. They can find it more difficult to lose weight at this time and many begin to wish that they had used exercise regularly to stay subtle and in shape.

Journey through the menopause - weight control is a big concern

Body Temperature

As their body temperature changes some suffer from night sweats and severe hot flashes as well as sleep problems, anxiety, mood changes, weight gain and after all of that possibly a loss of libido. Postmenopause some struggle with vaginal dryness using vaginal lubricants can help ease any discomfort caused by sex. Along with these challenges, some women also suffer from bladder leaks. It's no wonder that so many women dread this time of their life.

Journey through the menopause - hot flushes and hot flashes

There are a number of things that can be done to help women's health with these common symptoms.

Menopausal hormone therapy, known as Hormone Replacement Therapy, is a way to help relieve some of the symptoms that can be experienced during this time. Hormone therapy steadies the levels of estrogen and progesterone in the body. It is a very effective treatment for hot flashes in women who can use it. Hormone treatments can take the form of pills, patches, rings, implants, gels, or creams.

Hot Flashes

Not all suffer from these symptoms, any combination of these symptoms and others are possible or none. It's interesting to note that women tend to expect to have hot flushes at this time, and yet just under 50% of women never have them. Research completed a few years ago found that only 10% of women have hot flushes in Hong Kong, Japan and Mexico. It seems that hot flashes vary depending on whereabouts you are on the globe.

Under 50% of women never have hot flashes

What Is a Hot Flash?

It's a sudden feeling of heat and sometimes a red, flushed face and sweating. We don't know exactly what causes them, but they may be related to changes in circulation. Hot flashes start when blood vessels near the skin's surface widen to cool off, making you break out in a sweat, when they happen whilst you sleep they are called night sweats.

What should I do if I experience hot flashes?

Hot flashes can be uncomfortable and a long-lasting symptom during menopause. Make sure that you dress in layers that can be removed at the start of a hot flash. Some people carry a portable fan to use when a hot flash strikes. Alcohol, spicy foods, and caffeine can make menopausal symptoms worse, cutting down on these will help. If you smoke, stop, not only for hot flashes but also for your overall health. And maintain a healthy weight. Women who are overweight or obese can experience more frequent and severe hot flashes.

Journey through the menopause - stay cool day and night

How can I stay cool at night?

What Can You Do Stay cool at night, a "chill pillow" filled with water or other cooling material might help. Use fans during the day. Wear lightweight, loose-fitting clothes made with natural fibres such as cotton. Try deep, slow abdominal breathing (6 to 8 breaths per minute). Practice deep breathing for 15 minutes in the morning, 15 minutes in the evening, and when a hot flash starts.

Natural ways to relieve hot flashes

Before you chose the medical route, consider natural alternatives. Lifestyle changes have proven to be very effective in dealing with bothersome hot flashes. Whilst Hormone Therapy is thought to be the most effective treatment for menopause symptoms, HRT is now also associated with an increased risk of breast cancer. Women have been looking for other ways to deal with the symptoms connected with the change in hormones and many have found that lifestyle changes are the answer.

Journey through the menopause - soy products

Soy Isoflavones

Plant estrogens, found in soy products, may have weak estrogen-like effects that could treat hot flashes. Soy isoflavones are being used as a safer alternative to hormone therapy. While there is a lack of scientific evidence of the efficacy of using Soy isoflavones, there are many women who have found relief in symptoms with their use.

Journey through the menopause - Black Cohosh

Black Cohosh

Black cohosh is another supplement that is widely used to help relieve symptoms related to the reduction in estrogen. A review in 2010 concluded that menopausal women had a reduction in night sweats and hot flashes using black cohosh supplements. Dietary supplements and herbs may have side effects or change how other medications work, so ask your doctor first.

Personal Experience

Whilst a lot of women do seem to be challenged at this time it is also true that some women don't have any trouble with menopausal symptoms. I went through menopause in my early 50’s, first, I noticed that my body temperature changed. Whereas pre-menopause I felt the cold "a lot", driving the family crazy by changing the temperature of the central heating to make it warmer. Once I entered menopause I was turning it down. Whilst I began to feel much hotter at night, I never had night sweats. For me, hot flashes were the only symptom that I had.

Hypnosis for Menopause

As a Hypnotherapist, I had read about the effect of hypnosis in helping with these symptoms. I thought to myself OK it's time to use myself as an experiment to see just how effective hypnosis could be. I used self-hypnosis and a control room technique to control my body temperature and taught this process to my clients. Teaching them how to design and access a control room in their unconscious minds. On this panel, we set a temperature control and cooling control. To help them access this resource, I recorded a hypnotic trance for them. This recording is available for you as a free download on our website the link is below.

Journey through the menopause - A Cooling Trance

Complementary and Integrative Health

After a year of no periods and a change in my body's temperature, I went to see my GP who concluded after blood tests that I was in menopause. Whilst at my appointment he asked me questions about all sorts of symptoms, some of which I had never considered to be a part of menopause.

Effects of Menopause

When I investigated the effects of menopause, I found that there are many symptoms that we have in the “West” that is unknown in many parts of the globe. This is said to be attributed to diet and lifestyle, there are many products available today to help women deal with this time; for example, supplements, as well as suggestions for a change in diet and exercise.

Symptoms of Menopause

It is unpredictable how often women will experience symptoms and how severe they will be. This information led me to consider ways in which hypnosis could help women acclimatise to this new era in their life.

Treating Menopause Symptoms

What's right for me? Deciding whether and how to treat the symptoms of menopausal transition can be complicated and personal. Discuss your symptoms, family and medical history, and preferences with your doctor. Learn about options to help you manage hot flashes, sleep, vaginal dryness, sexual intercourse and other menopausal symptoms. People know their hormones are changing, they can feel it; maybe they are having hot flashes, maybe they are tired and can’t sleep. Their periods are all over the place, they may be irritable and where did that roll of fat come from?


As a clinical hypnotherapist, I know the power of the mind, and how there are so many things that we can do for ourselves by reprogramming our unconscious thought processes. Hypnotherapy is proven to be effective in helping people with menopausal symptoms like;

  • Sleep issues.

  • Anxiety.

  • Mood swings - frustration, anger………

  • Body temperature - reduce hot flashes

  • Acceptance of ageing, loss of fertility etc ……

Over the years I have worked with a variety of issues connected to menopause symptoms and from those sessions, I also created a couple of hypnotic CDs. These are now available for you as a free download on our site. Join our Student Dojo and activate your registration to receive these recordings and other free resources.

Journey through the menopause - Control how you respond


After menopause, women enter postmenopause. Postmenopausal women are more vulnerable to heart disease and osteoporosis. During this time, it is important to continue to eat a healthy diet, be active, and make sure you get enough calcium for optimal bone health.

Useful references on the menopause

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